I am going to come clean and say that I am not sure what I was doing for the first couple of weeks of January. I didn't go crazy, but I did forget that I was a on journey. I made some bad choices with my eating, and I skipped workouts! (EHHHH!!!!!)
Luckily, the FitFluential DietBet began and got me focused. You don't mess with me when money is involved! I was able to get myself back on track. Eating healthy is not easy! I know that we all know this. I swear that this picture says it all for me. My brain really likes and craves the crap!
In the last 2 weeks, I have started cooking healthy meals. I have cooked twice this week and once last. I know.... it took me long enough right?? Crazy! But I am trying new things! Yay! It's about time!
I have been planking daily for almost 2 weeks now. I am not sure why I stopped doing my plankadays, but I did. Those of you who follow Mindy's Fitness Journey on facebook know that I am posting a plankaday picture daily on my page. I was going to make this a February challenge, but I decided this is not just for February, this is forever! What is a few minutes a day to give up for bikini abs :)
What is the plan for February? Tighten it up more on nutrition! And I will be running the IronGirl half marathon in April, so it's time to get serious about my running too!

I have the mini-marathon in a week at the Rock n Roll and I am doing the Hog Wild Mud Run on Feb. 18. It should be a great month!
Don't forget about my jump rope giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway